Saturday, March 16, 2013

Report Transmitted to Council

Following the public hearing on Wednesday, the Commission voted to accept its changes and transmit them to the Court of Common Council. Here is the clean copy, the transmittal letter and a redline version.

Stay tuned for the Council's public hearing and other important information.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Revised Charter Draft

Please find the draft charter available here. This is the clean copy and it may be a bit difficult to follow if you're not intimately familiar with the document.

Please find the redline version* of the draft here. This will probably be much easier to follow because the changes are visible.

Please bring your opinions about it to the public hearing next Wednesday.

*The redline is a pdf, because Google Drive doesn't display Microsoft Word's track changes correctly.

Public Hearing

Please join us for a public hearing on the draft charter produced by the 2012-13 Hartford Charter Revision Commission in accordance with § 7-191 of the Connecticut General Statutes. This is your opportunity to weigh in on the proposed charter before the Commission sends its final report to the Court of Common Council.

Council Chambers
550 Main Street
Hartford, CT 06103
March 13, 2013

Check back soon for a digital copy of the draft charter revision.